Through the Database Manager incorporated into the Web Hosting Control Panel, it’s possible to build brand–new MySQL and PgSQL databases immediately! In addition, you will get direct access to the administration area software programs (phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin, respectively), so you’re able to quickly revise the database you want.

Clean and Very easy Interface

Maintain all of your databases from just one place

The Database Manager inside our Web Hosting Control Panel comes with an effective yet user–friendly interface. You can configure a new MySQL or PostgreSQL database by just typing in a username and security password. Moreover, you can create a back–up file or change the password of an database with only a mouse click.

From the Database Manager you’ll possess immediate access to the administration area for all of your databases, which enables you to make hassle–free corrections if you ever need to.

Hepsia File Manager

Simple Database Backup

Back up your databases in just a minute

We have evolved the manual database back–up formation into a quite easy job. To do this: within the Database Manager, click the ’clock’ icon next to the database that you intend to back up and afterwards wait for a couple of seconds for the backup process to take place. With regards to the size of your database, the creation of the back–up file will need somewhere between a couple of seconds and a minute.

You may create as many copies per database as you want. We haven’t specified any limitations about the number of databases you could back up as well.

Hepsia File Manager

Support for PgSQL

Assured security for your databases

PgSQL databases are significantly less widespread as opposed to the widespread MySQL databases. Even so, they represent a favored choice for developers who seek the maximum security for their sites and apps. Through the incredibly user–friendly Database Manager integrated into the LA Tech Services Control Panel, you can control all of your PostgreSQL databases with just a mouse click.

You’ll find PgSQL databases included by default inside the best shared web hosting plans packages. In case you are using a standard hosting package, you are able to request PgSQL databases to be added in your account as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The fresh face of MySQL

We’ve incorporated InnoDB – the brand new default MySQL database engine on all of our web servers. InnoDB is designed for sizeable database sites that demand high functionality and scalability. Trials indicate that sites making use of InnoDB based tables attain a 3–fold performance increase for massive joins, as opposed to those utilizing MyISAM tables.

InnoDB makes use of row–level locking in order to take away the effectiveness issues observed at the high usage times of the prior release of the database engine – MyISAM, which utilizes table–level locking.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Comprehensive statistics for all your databases

Tracking the load generated by the databases on your powerful website will help you avoid any kind of overload problems that could slow it down and chase away website visitors. For this reason, we have designed a complete Database Stats tool inside the Web Hosting Control Panel. There you will find extensive information about the inbound requests to your databases for each hour, day and month.

Based on the quantity of daily and by the hour queries, it’s possible to determine which databases are employed the most and take actions to enhance their load.

Hepsia File Manager