From the Web Hosting Control Panel, you are able to keep an eye on every aspect of your web presence. You’ll have access to precise figures, which will supply you with live information about the server resources your websites are using as well as the views they’re having. You will also find various significant details about LA Tech Services’s servers in general. The info is divided into segments, so you’re able to quickly find your way around.

Server Data

Check out specifics of your web server

If you need to check what exactly is the present version of PHP or MySQL or the Operating System on the server where your website hosting account is positioned, simply go to the Server Information part of the Web Hosting Control Panel. There you can also find information about the installed Perl modules, the inbound and outbound mail servers, in addition to the physical IP address your server.

You can find the server details board in the Stats section of the LA Tech Services Web Hosting Control Panel.

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Access & Error Logs

Discover how individuals interact with your site

In the Access & Error Logs area of the LA Tech Services Web Hosting Control Panel, you’re able to activate and observe the access and error records for any web sites located in your shared web hosting plans account. The access log is actually a report on the whole set of files uploaded on your website (including text files, image files, video files, and so on) that readers have requested to see.

The error log can be described as a range of all cautionary and error alerts regarding your website. It helps you stay away from any potential issues with the website’s overall performance.

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Web Traffic Statistics

View the traffic to your web site in great detail

From the web stats applications included in the LA Tech Services Web Hosting Control Panel, you’re able to monitor the customers on your site in a great detail. You can choose between two popular stats tool – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which supply you with detailed information about the visitors to your web site and also the content they review on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

It’s not necessary to install absolutely anything in advance to obtain website traffic reports for your websites. In the Traffic Statistics section of your Web Hosting Control Panel, simply open up the data file for any chosen domain and collect the figures you’ll need for your marketing and advertising practices.

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CPU Reports

Monitor your web sites’ server power load

The web server’s CPU is vital for the interaction and communication between the web site and its visitors. The more complicated and resource–absorbing your web sites are, the more server resources and CPU time will be required. From the CPU statistics part, you can keep track of which web site is utilizing the largest portion of CPU allocations.

You should undertake actions to improve your websites in case the CPU use limit has been reached. You can view detailed statistics for each day and month or for a full year.

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