Monthly Traffic in Shared Web Hosting
Our shared web hosting plans are perfect for any type of small or medium-sized site or even a larger variety of websites. Considering that you can host numerous domains in just a single account, we have designed the plans in such a way so as to provide you with all of the options you will need. Regardless if you have a private portfolio web site or an electronic commerce web site, the monthly website traffic quota that your site can use won't be an issue. In this way, you will have the chance to widen your online presence and get plenty of new visitors without worrying about getting to a cap. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel gives you in-depth data related to the traffic usage to and from your account, that will enable you to take care of your web sites as well as your account much better. You are able to view hourly, daily and monthly figures, the traffic produced by each individual domain and by the account as a whole, the most downloaded files, etc.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers
The monthly site traffic quota you'll get using our VPS plans is sufficient for any kind of site and it is proportional to the rest of the system resources that are included with each package. With a more powerful server, you'll be able to run numerous sites or a few extremely popular web sites, thus the traffic allocation for the higher plans is also larger. If you choose a low-end VPS package, you can enhance it at any moment with a few mouse-clicks from your billing Control Panel and then the additional resources will be added to your present account, which includes the increased website traffic quota. The VPS accounts feature a server management panel where you can monitor the used and remaining traffic for the current month as well as all other resources. In addition, we send notifications when you reach 90% of the limit, so you will have sufficient time to react and update if you find it necessary.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
The monthly traffic allowance that is included with our dedicated server plans is more than enough for any kind of site whatever its type. Your web applications can produce terabytes of traffic, which guarantees that all of your site visitors will never see any kind of error message on your site as a result of limited quota like it may happen with various kinds of website hosting. In addition, we leave the possibility to upgrade the website traffic amount open, yet it's very unlikely that you will ever need it even if you intend to operate a file sharing web site or a video streaming portal. The server administration Control Panel will give you accurate real-time info how much data has been transmitted for the month to date, and what amount of it remains before you reach the cap. We will also inform you if you get to 90% of the allowance just to be on the safe side and avoid any downtime of your sites. The information in the panel contains the entire traffic, plus software downloads, thus it is more accurate than the one in your current hosting Control Panel where you're able to see details only about the customers developed by online content.